jueves, 9 de abril de 2020

Getting Ready For What's Coming?

See this message as a Printable Gospel Pamphlet (pdf)


Never had we seen an outbreak disturb our modern lives so much until the arrival of the coronavirus. The pandemic has extended across the globe with an unseen speed, with more than 1 million 4 thousand infections and over 91,000 deaths in the world, in just about four months, and the numbers are increasing daily. Around half of world’s population is confined to home and millions are losing their jobs, international markets are crashing, and the world’s economy is paralyzed. According the UN, it is the worst crisis since World War II, and we don’t know when it will end!

The fear of the virus is near due to the probabilities of contracting it. It is highly contagious and potentially deadly. Truth be told, our human tendency is to fear unknown dangers beyond our control and their possible consequences. The media and social networks daily flood us with scary news, and, since they don’t give an approved solution, all that makes us feel vulnerable and threatened. Health professionals are risking their lives by working still, but they have not yet found a vaccine or medicine as the ultimate cure.

The worst epidemic in history

What would you say then if you are offered a free cure for an evil that is even more dangerous, more contagious, and more deadly than Covid-19 or any other known disease? It is 100% lethal and it has spread from the beginning of time here and in China, causing more damage and hurt than any other disease, war or catastrophe in history.

Many just do not recognize they have it, but some of its symptoms are the following (take note of the ones you’ve had!): pride, selfishness, indifference, laziness, envy, arrogance, avarice, theft, deceit, gossip, prejudice, lies, hypocrisy, rebellion, injustice, cowardice, anger, insults, enmities, quarrels, fights, aggressions, resentment, hatred, binge partying, drunkenness, addictions, sensuality, jealousy, sexual immorality, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, perversions, disbelief, idolatry, sectarianism, witchcraft, murder and many other similar things (Revelation 21:8; 22:15, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Galatians 5:20-21.) 

This evil is called «sin» in the Bible and it is basically the evil that comes from human beings, opposing God’s love. Sin’s immediate consequences are: deep pain in the soul, crying, affliction, lack of peace and suffering in different degrees.

Sin was never part of God’s original plan, because everything He created in the beginning was good (Genesis 1:31) and He formed us in His image and likeness to live eternally with the true love that comes from Him (Genesis 1:26-27, Isaiah 43:7; Ephesians 1:6). The point is that "God created mankind upright, but they have gone in search of many schemes" (Ecclesiastes 7:29). God gave us the freedom to decide between good and evil (Deuteronomy 30:15-19) but "we all went astray" (Isaiah 53:6) and death entered the world because of evil (Romans 5:12, 1 Corintios 15:21) because the punishment for our sins is death (Romans 5:12; 6:23) and sin separates us from God (Isaiah 59:2).

The Bible assured us that in the last days wickedness would increase and “because of the increase of wickedness, the love of many will grow cold” (Matthew 24:12, cf. Mark 13:8-18, 2 Timothy 3:1-5). Just consider the increasing number of robberies, suicides, abortions, drug trafficking, kidnappings, human trafficking, racism, among other horrible crimes and moral evils.
The chaos we see was also predicted by Jesus Christ, who announced that signs of his return would include the increase of plagues or pestilences in various places, as well as great earthquakes, wars, persecutions, famines, calamities, great signs in the heavens and the appearance of false saviors or false prophets (Luke 21:11m Matthew 24:6-8). It shouldn’t be that surprising to see the spread of current and recent epidemics in different continents: the SARS-Cov-2, measles, influenza, dengue, chikungunya, tuberculosis, malaria, hepatitis, HIV / AIDS, Zzka, H1N1 and ebola in the very 21st century. Millions of activities have been canceled by these, but what isn’t canceled is the soon return of Jesus to Earth (Revelation 22:7). The Bible also states that other signs of the end would be mass migrations, the advancement of science, and the preaching of the gospel throughout the world (Luke 21:11; Matthew 24:6-8). 

Unavoidable consequences

Although many speculate what will happen to them after they die, the Bible says that there will be a final judgment in which God, in His righteousness, will judge with the wickedness of humanity and make man pay according to all his works (Ecclesiastes 12:14; Romans 2:6-10, Colossians 3:25, Revelation 20:12-13, Hebrews 9:27; Acts 17:31).

The Bible plainly affirms that some people will go with God and rest in complete peace forever, with rewards in a heavenly place where there will be no more suffering, and they will live eternally in the light of His presence with a new body that will not wear out (Revelation 21:3-4, 22:3-5, Daniel 12:2-3, John 5:29).

But others will suffer a terrible, eternal punishment in a place full of fire that will burn and will never be quenched, staying in perpetual state of confusion, shame and torment, without rest day or night (Isaíah 1:28-31; 34:8-10, 66:24; Matthew 3:12; 25:41, 25:46, Luke 16:19-31, Revelation 14:9-12; 20:10-15, Mark 9:44-48). Jesus warned that it is much better to get rid of what makes us sin, than to be cast into that hell because of sin (Matthew 5:29-30). To those who fear death, he said: "Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28).

The ultimate solution

Despite the announced punishment for the wicked, the Bible also says that God does not want us to spend an eternity without Him and it is not His desire for anyone to be lost or condemned (Matthew 18:14; Ezekiel 33:11; 2 Peter 3:9). What He really wants is for everyone to repent, believe in the message of Jesus Christ and live a different life with Him (2 Peter 2:9, Acts 2:39, 3:19, John 3:3). This is the ultimate cure for a sin-infected soul: to get to know God through Jesus Christ (John 17:3, 3:16-17). He was one with God, equal to God, but He became man and came to dwell among us (John 1:1-14), He lived a perfect, pure, spotless life (Isaiah 53:9), he humbled himself and made miracles on Earth, teaching us the way of love and justice, and then He gave His life and died on a cross in our place (John 10:16-18; Philippians 2.7; Titus 2:14). 

Though we were sinners, God showed His love for in the fact that Christ died for us (Romans 5:8); He took up our punishment on Himself and got the weight of all our sicknesses and sins (Isaiah 53:4-6). He gave His life in exchange for ours and His innocent blood was shed as a bail-bonds so that we can be forgiven from everything and live eternally with Him (Ephesians 1:7-8; 1 John 1:7; John 15:13). He resurrected, appeared with undeniable proofs and ascended to heaven, all according to more than 300 prophecies of ancient biblical scriptures. 

Protection against calamities

In ancient times, when a deadly plague struck Egypt, God prophetically announced that it would not come to the houses whose doors had the blood of the Passover lamb (Exodus 12:13, 12:22). Jesus is a figure of that Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and saves those who fully trust Him (John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:19; 1 John 1:9; Revelation 5:12).

In this manner, the Scripture promises that God will certainly free from the “noisome pestilence” anyone who takes refuge under the presence of the Lord (Psalm 91). Though the world is fearful about what might happen, "those who seek the LORD lack no good thing" (Psalm 34:10). God calls us to increase our faith in Him to be safe under His protection (Psalm 56:3).

Don’t let the fear of the virus dominate your heart. Instead, let God's perfect love cast out all fear (1 JOHn 4:18; 2 Timothy 1:7-9, 1 Corinthians 13). He promises: 

"If my people, upon whom my name is called, humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). 

Now God is asking us to draw near to Him so that He can draws near to. He wants us to cleanse our hands and purify our hearts, feeling sorry for the evil we have done and humbling ourselves before Him so that He may lift us up (James 4:8-9).
Unmovable safety

Life is short, death is certain, sin is the cause, but Jesus is the cure: He is the salvation and the only way to God (John 14:6) and He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Even if trouble comes, God can give us true freedom by putting our complete faith in Jesus: this way we can be reconciled with God, adopted as His children, forgiven of all our sins, freed from all vice, regenerated in all the soul, healed from all sickness, justified from all before God, sanctified in the spirit, liberated from all burdens of guilt and saved to eternal life, as a gift of grace that He simply offers us, not by our works, but only by His love and because He saves as a gift of grace when we put our faith in Him (Romanos 4:6, Gálatas 2:16-17, 3:11, Filipenses 3:9, Efesios 2:8-9, Romanos 3:24, 3:28, Gálatas 2:16, 2 Timoteo 1:9, Romanos 11:6, Tito 3:5, Hechos 13:39, Hechos 10:48, Efesios 2:8-9). 

God is always ready to listen to you and answer at all times, but you have to go to Him with sincerity and humility of heart through prayer (Proverbs 15:3, Psalms 33:13-15, Jeremiah 29:13; 33:3). If you accept having a relationship with Jesus, God will always be with you, he will give you understanding and supply all your needs, because He wants to guide you through His Spirit to fill you with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, fidelity, humility and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). He wants His love to reign in your life instead of fear, and his will is for you to live a full life by his side (John 10:10) since His plans are higher and better than us (Isaiah 55:8-9). 

“Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near” (Isaiah 55:6). Put your faith in Jesus, and God Himself will finish the work he started on you (Philippians 1:6) because His promises are unbreakable: heaven and earth will pass, but His words will never pass away (Matthew 24:35, Mark 13:31, Luke 21.33) and “The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever” (1 John 2:17).

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